Ebbs & Flows
7-Week Support Group

November marks the beginning of the Holiday Season.
Last week I found myself dreaming of Christmas trees, Christmas cookies, and the holidays that are right around the corner. I knew the dream was telling me to prepare myself as I navigated this holiday season after laying to rest a marriage, a relationship, a family unit under one roof. All of which had been a part of my life for nearly 18 years. (I wrote a bit more of my story here).
And so I found myself Bracing, Tensing, Telling my mind, body, & soul I was in danger. But I wasn't in danger, I was simply grieving. As I prepare to enter this holiday season instead of bracing I'm choosing to Embrace the Ebbs & Flows that this season will bring.
I’ve noticed I’m not alone in encountering the waves of grief that tend to peak around this time of year. So I’ve decided to create space to co-journey together in a support group so can lean into Embracing the Ebbs and Flows during this holiday season. You’re invited to embrace and not brace with me during this upcoming 7-week support group as we can co-journey together and navigate the Ebbs and Flows as the waves of grief may come.
Who Should Join: Those navigating the loss of marriage, relationship, friendship, or loved ones, community.
Why Should You Join: You don’t want to journey alone, you want space for reimagining what could be and acquiring tools to be able to embrace the ebbs and flows of grief.
When Is It: Sundays 4:00-5:00 pm PT (we’ll linger to 5:30 pm at the latest as needed)
Dates: November 14, 21, 28, December 5, 12, 19, 26
Cost: Join the first session for free! This will allow you to discern if this is the group you need.
If you decided to continue on the price is based on a Sliding Scale Take a look at Alexis Cunningfolk’s Green Bottle framework. Based on where you find yourself select a payment option below. If after checking in with the green bottle framework and you would still like to participate but need a scholarship we have a limited amount of space for scholarships. Click the reserve your spot today and complete the scholarship section.
Support Group Format
During this time we’ll meet weekly via zoom where I’ll share more of my journey, the ups and downs, and how I’m creating space to mourn, laugh, and reimagine this holiday season. There will be space for you to share as you feel comfortable and hear from some dear friends who are navigating different types of grief this season. Additionally, I’ll share a few spoken word pieces from those early days because while I don’t remember them, writing about the pain was all I could do. There will also be a Slack group where we can share and connect in between group sessions. Check out the details below to sign up.
​Each week we'll:
Center Ourselves
Check-in with one another
Hear from Tracey or a guest
Group process & support time
Tools and exercises for the journey
Topics We'll Cover
Week 1: Naming your new reality: In order to heal we must name what is (11/14)
Week 2: Embracing the memories: Learning to give ourselves permission to remember (11/21)
Week 3: Understanding your triggers, the waves, & debrief Thanksgiving ups, downs, and all in between (11/26)
Week 4: Embracing Lament: Learning to lament in a culture that avoids it (12/6)
Week 5: Reimagining Traditions for you and your loved ones
Week 6: Embracing Joy & Laugher: Sometimes we have to give ourselves permission to laugh again
Week 7: Hoping and Imagining in the New Year
Ready to Join
There are two ways to register:
1. Not sure if you're ready to join but want to check it out. The first session is FREE! Reserve your spot today!​
2. If you are ready to join for the 7 weeks complete your registration form and select the payment options below to process payment or request to receive an invoice. Payment will be due by November 21, 2021.
1st Bottle ~ Full Price: $450
I identify with the 1st green bottle and can pay full price
I am comfortable and able to meet my basic needs
I may have some debt but it does not prohibit attainment of basic needs
I own my home or property or I rent a higher-end property
I have access to financial savings
I have regular access to health care
I have expendable income
I can always buy new items
I can afford an annual vacation or take time off
I am employed or do not need to work to meet my needs
I am a person who has historically received privilege because of my identities
2nd Bottle ~ Middle Tier: $320
I identify with the 2nd green bottle area and can pay in the middle range
I may stress about meeting my basic needs but still regularly achieve them
I may have some debt but it does not prohibit attainment of basic needs
I am employed
I have access to health care
I might have access to financial savings
I have some expendable income
I am able to buy some new items and thrift others
I can take a vacation annually or every few years without a financial burden
3rd Bottle ~ Base: $200
I identify with the 3rd green bottle and can pay in the lower range
I frequently stress about meeting basic needs & don’t always achieve them
I have debt and it sometimes prohibits me from meeting my basic needs
I rent lower-end properties or have unstable housing
I am unemployed or underemployed
I qualify for a government assistance program
I have no or very limited expendable income
I rarely buy new items because I am unable to afford them
I cannot afford a vacation or have the ability to take time off without a financial burden
I am a person who has historically been a part of an oppressed group because of my identities